Ryan Bigg

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Why Not?

17 Jun 2007

I’m going to keep this short, it’s Sunday nearing 10:30pm and I think I’m coming down with Monday-itis.

This is not a bad Wizard commercial, it’s simply a suggestion.

PHP is already taught in schools around the country, and most likely around the world. What I don’t see is any support for Ruby on Rails in schools or TAFE colleges, which sucks. Ruby on Rails is a very easy-to-learn language and a vast majority of the commands are written in plain english. Compare:

[code=’PHP’] mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM blogs WHERE user_id = ‘1’ ORDER BY id DESC”) [/code]


[code=’Ruby on Rails’] Blog.find_by_user_id(1, :order => “id DESC”) [/code]

I’m sure there’s better examples out there than just that. It’s a beautiful language that students would enjoy. So why not teach it in schools and TAFE? Have a whole TAFE course devoted to Ruby and Rails. Now that would be worth it.