I hate testing in Ruby on Rails. I hate writing tests, and I especially hate running them. At work, we have 618 examples and it takes 346 seconds to run. That’s 5 minutes and 46 seconds to run 6000 lines of code, it’s pathetic!

The reason for this is that we have a central object which a lot of other objects are related to, called booking. Now, without giving too much away I’ll say that, along with the bookings table, there are 8 other tables that are emptied and loaded with data during a large majority of the tests. All this emptying and refilling is taking time, time that could be better spent not waiting for the tests to finish!

This is why I propose a system that entirely relies on fixtures for its data supply, so it doesn’t have to empty & load the tables again and again, but instead reads directly from the fixture files every time. I have no idea how to go about making one, but if anyone reads this and wants to collaborate with me on something like it, by all means please do. I hate having to read my emails whilst waiting for the tests to finish, I run out of emails.