Not so long ago I wrote a post about receiving a call from a telemarketer after bragging about never being called by one the day before.

Today I received my second call from a telemarketer, this time from a different mob. This time my number had been “randomly selected” and I was entitled to a whole heap of gift cards from various retailers. After listening to his spiel (whilst typing “LOL TELEMARKETER” in chat) I asked him where he got the number from. He gave back a vague reply of “our database”, and I informed him that my number is a top-secret government number and any company calling it can face a fine of up to $250,000. I asked if he knew about that law and he replied he didn’t. I kindly asked him not to call the number again else his company will be fined, and to take the number off his database.

“Right away, sir! God bless. Bye!” he said hurriedly.