Ryan Bigg

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Ham & Rocket Rolls

10 Sep 2008

Usually I post technically minded stuff, but today I decided to share my “recipe”. Mum and Darrel have gone away for a month so I’ve been left to fend for myself with my cooking skills near to non-existant. I can microwave, I can toast and I can simmer.

For the past few days I’ve been eating these hamburger rolls from woolworths stuff with various ingredients and I’ve found that ham (any kind) and cream cheese go nicely together. I tweeted yesterday about having the rolls and got the opposite reaction to what I expected, nikc recommended I try putting rocket on it. Also with me being a long-time fan of cream cheese and sweet chilli sauce (the only two liquids I find that complement each other so perfectly), I put that on the roll too.

“What was the end result?”, I hear you speak through the saliva drooling from your mouth. It was this:


  • Knife to cut rolls
  • Sandwich Toaster (optional)
  • 1 Hamburger Roll
  • Cream Cheese
  • Sweet Chilli Sauce
  • Rocket leaves
  • Honey Baked Ham


  1. Cut rolls directly down the middle and lightly toast them for about a minute on the sandwich toaster (optional)
  2. Spread cream cheese lightly on both sides of the rolls
  3. Put ham on top of the cream cheese
  4. Put a drop of sweet chilli sauce on the ham and spread
  5. Tear off some rocket leaves and spread over ham
  6. Put roll back together

Thanks to the viscosity of the cream cheese and sweet chilli sauce combination, your roll should stay nicely packed together.

Photos are here and here!