This is a followup to my InLAN blog post, best to read that first to get the whole story.

So today I get a phone call from Allianz about my compulsory 3rd party insurance and they told me the guy is filing a personal injury claim and apparently has “legal representation”. They asked me all kinds of questions like “Were you using a mobile phone?”, “Did you get alcohol testing?”, “Were you and your passenger wearing a seatbelt?” and so on.

What really amazes me is that someone who, despite the thousands of years of evolution the human race has undergone, still thinks it possible to file a personal injury claim for an accident he caused. Had he not bolted out of the bushes onto the road, whilst it was raining AND in the middle of the night, this would have never happened. You (and the insurance company) can only take my word that I’m not a homocidal maniac who enjoys late night rampages that involve running over pedestrians and causing hundreds of dollars worth of damage to my dearly beloved car, not to mention my state of mind.

If I have to pay this guy a cent, that will be the last of my faith in humanity gone for quite a while.