Ryan Bigg

⟵ Posts


16 Sep 2008

The site twonklist.com was an idea conceived of at my last job (NetFox) and I coded it up in a night or two with Brenton Fletcher adding the styling in later on.

This afternoon it was defaced. I have since removed all the awesome pictures a certain person put on the site, and it’s a person who apparently has a grudge against me. Now, I know who this person is. I even know their IP is I know their ISP is Optus. I’ve even sent an email (with screenshots!) in the vain hope that they’ll do something about it, but they most likely will not. Now if you have a grudge against me, the way to go about things is to not deface any of my sites. You come to me, face to face, as a man and talk to me. I’m available most days. Say what you like, just don’t deface my sites.

Congratulations to this person, as now all the requests from any IP beginning with 122.109 will go to a very useful/useless google search entry. Yes, that basically means the entire Optus network.