Ryan Bigg

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Throat Cramps

16 Oct 2008

Occasionally when I’m moving my head I get these throat cramps just on the right side of my throat. During these cramping phases the muscle (?) that moves up and down when you swallow (have a look in the mirror and watch your throat as you swallow, you’ll know what I mean) is what cramps. This can be extremely painful and I know of nobody else who gets these. I can only describe it as a cramp. There is a large sharp pain (kind of like when you get hit in the throat) when swallowing and a slightly lesser pain when I tilt my head backwards or to the left. Again, this only happens on one side of my throat.

I was prescribed anti-histamine tablets last year for this problem and it’s only manifested itself 4 times since then, the last 2 times have been within a month of each other. Generally, tilting my head back and drinking about a litre of water helps, but not the last two times. The last two times I’ve had to wait it out, and it’s been 3 hours and 1 hour respectively.

Has anybody out there in the blogosphere heard of this before?