Ryan Bigg

⟵ Posts


29 Apr 2009

There are two things right now that I’m tired of hearing about one more fearful than the other. The first is this “Swine Flu” thing. With one of the guys doing work on the house next door coughing his lungs up I’m sure to close my windows “just in case” and leave extra-early.

The second is this whole porn presentation argument.

Guess which I fear more? Yeah, the porn presentation argument. I fear that it will rip a community apart. A community that should be working together on getting past this issue and bettering themselves, not regressing to childish bickering. That’s what gives this community an “immature” stamp by the [insert other programming language here] groups.

Matt “made a mistake” and he’s “apologised”. What’s been done cannot be undone and what we have to do as a community is work past this and rebuild whatever part of our reputation has been damaged by Matt’s actions and the subsequent bickering.

All I ask for you guys is to…
