Ryan Bigg

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Fixed by TextMate 2

16 Jun 2009

Today I spent an hour and a half writing a Sinatra app (and rocking out to Foo Fighters) for a problem that’s been bugging me personally and I’m sure many of you for a very long time. In the past, there hasn’t been a comprehensive list of TextMate 2 features. The remaining features to be added to this release are hidden from the general public which causes a lot of speculation on exactly WHAT will be in TextMate 2.

But fear not dear TextMate lover/fanatic/fetishist! There is a website for you to view the coming features in TextMate 2 and even suggest your own! This site is http://fixedbytm2.com and, as you can now probably see, shows you, in bite-sized pieces so you’re not too overwhelmed exactly what features and bugs are going to be fixed in TextMate 2!

The code’s available on github, naturally.