Ryan Bigg

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Project R

04 Jun 2009

Project R is a Rails application I wrote almost a month ago giving an example of how to create multiple records for multiple models at the same time using AJAX. It does this using jQuery and a little bit of hackery, but the code should be easy enough to follow. At the time I didn’t write a blog post about it (which is just about customary for every Rails bit I do), so I’m writing about it now, partially prompted by the subject of the upcoming Railscast.

The non-abbreviated version of the name “Project R” is “Project Ryan-is-bored-so-will-attempt-to-do-this-seemingly-interesting-task-to-further-his-knowledge”, but I think “Project R” rolls better off the tongue than that. Yes, it’s not pretty but it’s functional! Let me know what you think of it!

It’s now hosted on Heroku: http://projectr.heroku.com