Ryan Bigg

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Sleep In

08 Jun 2009

As a twenty-something man, I enjoy the brief interludes between the days that I work. Many of you will refer to them as “weekends”, I refer to them as “me time”. During my “me time” I enjoy sleeping in. Occasionally however this is cut tragically short by the people that I live with bickering about certain things like beds not being made or, more often, internet usage.

A certain teenager who shall not be named was kicked off the computer earlier this evening and went into his room to do whatever it is that teenagers do without the internet. After his darling mother went to bed, he went out of his room and as I discovered when I went to get a drink, went straight on the computer. Now if darling mother comes out and finds darling child on the computer, Hell shall break loose and God help us all.

This is where I profess my love for Billion. Specifically their BiPAC 7401VGPR3 model which allows me to, among other things, implement a firewall that I can tell to filter everything between certain times. These certain times just so happen to be midnight (27 minutes away) until 7am. And I don’t even need to RTFM!

So, ideally tomorrow morning I’ll be getting up at the lovely beautiful time of 10:30 and darling mother and darling child will not have their early morning bickering fight. Everyone’s happy.