Ryan Bigg

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Commit it, or else!

09 Dec 2010

I’ve seen the same question pop up a couple of times now:

Should I commit the Gemfile.lock file that Bundler generates?

Yes. Do it. Do it now if you haven’t already.

Another common question is:

I always get conflicts in my db/schema.rb file, why should I commit that?

This post answers both.

"Why should I commit Gemfile.lock?"

When you run bundle install in your project, Bundler will download and install all the gems and their dependencies and their dependencies’ dependencies (and so on) and then create a Gemfile.lock file based on what it installed.

This file is incredibly important because it lists all the precise versions of everything that your project uses at that point in time. Of course, it’s up to you to ensure that the project is actually working at this point… something that you should be doing before you commit the Gemfile and the Gemfile.lock files. Whenever somebody else clones this project (say, in a couple of days after your setup) and runs bundle install, they will get the exact same versions of the gems. Without Gemfile.lock, dependencies will be re-resolved and versions could have been updated during that time. This can lead to undesired outcomes.

Commit it, or else.

"Why should I commit schema.rb?

The db/schema.rb file in Rails plays a very similar role to that of the Gemfile.lock. Its purpose is to provide the schema for the database at the absolute latest point. This allows everybody who’s working on the project – regardless of what time they enter the project – to run rake db:schema:load to get the absolute latest schema.

Now note here that I don’t recommend running rake db:migrate to get the latest database schema. There’s a couple of reasons why people may think this is a good idea, but let me tell you right now: it isn’t. If you’re getting started on a project, use rake db:schema:load to get set up (after, of course, setting up the database).

rake db:migrate will run every single damn migration in your project, creating tables in one “step” and then destroying them in a future step. This is an utter waste of time. db/schema.rb has the final outcome of it already there for you.

Also, if you’re using rake db:migrate to insert data into your database: don’t. Use db/seeds.rb for that.

On a similar train of thought: if you’re using migrations to execute queries that you can’t do using Rails helpers, perhaps that’s not such a good idea either. Think about it: the only way you’re going to be able to run those again on another machine is by running all the migrations again, which we’ve just established is a Terrible Idea. What may be less of a Terrible Idea is to have an alternative Rake task such as a db:setup script which runs db:schema:load and then executes those specific queries. Yes, it’s more files to maintain, but this would stop you from having to run all the migrations to get those specific queries to re-run. Migrations shouldn’t be used to do this kind of low-level activity; it just simply doesn’t fit.

As for the conflicts in db/schema.rb? You’re a programmer for crying out loud. Suck it up and deal with it. Or code up a solution, at least.